Privacy Policy

Benefício Exis Lda is committed to complying with the General Regulation on Data Protection * (GDPR), ensuring the protection of personal data and reinforcing the trust that commits it with our client.

This Privacy Policy informs you about the personal data we collect, how we treat it, for what purposes, with whom we share it, what the retention period or the criteria we apply, as well as the different ways of contacting us to learn about and exercise their rights.

The Benefit reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy, so we invite you to consult this document regularly. If the Privacy Policy is changed, we will post a notice on the digital platforms of our publications.

New Rules: the General Data Protection Regulation

The GDPR establishes new rules regarding the processing, by a person, company or organization, of personal data relating to natural persons, reinforcing the existing legal framework in terms of privacy and protection of personal data.

The GDPR aims to contribute to the creation of an area of freedom, security and justice within the European Union, contributing to the well-being of natural persons and economic and social progress, the consolidation and convergence of economies in the market internal.
Responsible for data processing

Benefício Existing Lda., With corporate number 514141981, headquartered at Rua da Criatividade, 2510-216 Óbidos, Portugal.

personal data

Under the terms of the GDPR, personal information is all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (called the "data subject"). An individual is considered identifiable and can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as, for example, name, identification number, location data, IP address (internet protocol), cookies, identifiers by electronically or to one or more specific elements of that individual's physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

Personal data are also the set of information available to Beneficiaries that can lead to the identification of a specific person.

Personal data holder

The holder of personal data is the natural person to whom the data relates and who has used digital platforms and O Benefício services.

Personal data categories and purposes

The Benefit collects different categories of data:

  • Anonymous information when the user visits an O Benefício digital platform and aims to improve the experience and navigation in our digital media.
  • Personal information when it is voluntarily provided by the customer or user in the optional subscription or registration.

All data collected is processed automatically, encrypted, saved and managed with advanced security mechanisms.

The data is collected and processed for different purposes. Among others, we collect and process data for: managing the product purchase and payment process; client support; records management; sending newsletters and possible marketing actions from O Benefício, partners or third parties and respective management of sending permissions; identification of members of the user community; identification of comments and actions in the user community; management of topics and themes, preferences and authors in the user community; detection of ad blockers; research and analysis of user profiles; personalization of content and offers for users; delivery of personalized and relevant advertising; sending invitations to O Benefício or partner entities events and identifying visitors.

The Benefit collects data about customers or users when: they subscribe to newsletters; access and or register on the O Benefício digital platforms; participate in contests, hobbies or promotions; purchase products or through cookies on our website.

The Benefit also collects personal data when users: purchase products or services; download or use products, services; participate in content (programs, hobbies, etc.) or interact and communicate with O Benefício via mail to support the website or social networks.

Personal data can be collected in person or digitally, orally, in writing or through the digital platforms of our publications.

When a user registers on a digital platform The Benefit is asked for a set of data, namely, name, surname, date of birth, address, TIN, e-mail, password and telephone contact.

Registration is necessary so that the user can complete the process of purchasing a product or subscription through the available subscription plans, and to subscribe to newsletters, make comments and have access to other online features provided by O Benefício

The Benefit collects technical information about the user's equipment whenever he visits his digital platforms, through the browser, IP address, operating system and Internet search engine used, screen resolution and favorite websites.

The information collected is essential and necessary to guarantee the registration process and provide a service aimed at the interests of readers.

If you have registered on an O Benefício digital platform, and have given your authorization for that purpose, we will send you relevant notices about the current news, as well as information about surveys, contests, games, special promotions and other offers from O Benefício or of your marketing partners, including personalized advertising. At any time, you can stop receiving these messages, canceling the sending of digital newsletters or sending an email to

The Benefit requests the user's express consent before using personal data for purposes other than those provided for in this Privacy Policy.

When making your personal data available to O Benefício, the holder of personal data authorizes it to be treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Retention time of personal data

The Benefit treats and preserves your personal data according to the purposes for which they are collected and processed, and only for the period of time necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes that motivated its collection.

According to the law, The Benefit may have to keep the data for a minimum period of time: 1 year, for traffic and location data for the purpose of investigating, detecting and prosecuting serious crimes; 10 years, for information to the Tax Authority for accounting or tax purposes.

Data Protection Officer

The Benefit has a Data Protection Officer (EPD or Data Protection Officer), whose functions are to inform and advise the controller or the subcontractor, as well as their workers, about their respective obligations under the data protection law; control compliance by the organization with all legislation related to data protection, namely in audits, awareness-raising activities and training of personnel involved in processing operations; provide advice whenever a data protection impact assessment (AIPD) has been carried out and monitor its implementation; act as a contact point for requests regarding the processing of your personal data, complaints and exercise of your rights; cooperate with the supervisory authority (National Data Protection Commission - CNPD) and act as its contact point on issues related to the processing of personal data.

O BENEFÍCIO's Data Protection Officer can be contacted by e-mail edetodos@obenefí or by letter to O Benefício existence, Lda., A / C Data Protection Officer - Rua da Criatividade, 2510-216 Óbidos, Portugal.

Rights of the holder of personal data

The Benefit is committed to guaranteeing respect for the rights of personal data holders: the right of access and information, the right to rectification, the right to limit the processing, the right to portability, the right to be forgotten, the right to withdraw consent, the right to object, the right not to be subject to individual decisions taken in a fully automated manner, including the definition of profiles and the right to file a complaint, within the scope and under the terms of the GDPR and other applicable legislation.

The right to protection of personal data is not absolute; it must be considered in relation to its role in society and balanced with other fundamental rights, in accordance with the principle of proportionality.

The holder may withdraw, at any time, the consent that he has given for the treatment of his personal data, within the framework of the GDPR, which does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment of the personal data that has been carried out until now, based on the consent previously provided.

For more information about your rights contact us at:


Letter: O Benefício exists, Lda., Data Protection Officer A / C - Rua da Criatividade, 2510-216 Óbidos, Portugal

The response to requests should be provided, without undue delay, within 30 days of receiving the request, which can be extended up to two months, when necessary, taking into account the complexity of the request and the number of requests.

The holder of personal data also has the right to lodge a complaint regarding the processing of his data, with the CNPD - National Data Protection Commission.

Transmission of personal data

Personal data may be transmitted to subcontractors so that they can process it in the name and on behalf of O Benefício. In this case, The Benefit takes the necessary contractual measures so that the subcontractors guarantee the respect and protection of the holder's personal data.

The data may also be transmitted to third parties - entities other than O Benefício or subcontractors - such as companies with which O BENEFÍCIO develops partnerships, if the holder has consented, or entities to whom the data must be communicated by force law, such as the Tax Authority, judicial authorities, criminal police bodies, among others.

The Benefit will ensure that transfers of personal data to a third country outside the EU are not included in the list of countries that the EU takes place in strict compliance with applicable legal rules.

Responsibility for digital platforms and services O Benefício and third parties

The Benefit may also collect data through cookies placed on your digital devices. About the use and treatment of personal data on digital platforms The Benefit, please consult the Cookies Policy.

Third-party digital platforms and third-party content that in some way may be connected with O Benefício or replicate its content are not the subject of this Privacy Policy, so we advise that whenever you browse these sites, look for and read the privacy policies respective rules, as well as the applicable terms and conditions.

Login through third parties

If you log in to the O Benefício websites through access via a third party, such as Facebook, that party may pass on information to us, such as username, name associated with that user, email address and location, and other information permitted in the third party's privacy policy.

Payment through third parties

If you make payment on O Benefício websites through a third party, such as PayPal or other digital payment intermediaries, this entity may pass us information, such as username, name associated with that user, email address and product location, billing and delivery address, and other information permitted in the third party's privacy policy.

Security Procedures

The Benefit takes all necessary and legally required precautions to ensure the privacy of personal data processed and / or transmitted through its digital platforms, namely physical security measures and other security measures, such as the use of firewalls and detection systems intrusion, the existence of a policy of access to information and the logging of operations (logging). These precautions guarantee the online and offline security of information.

Whenever sensitive information is collected or used, the data will be encrypted using the SSL protocol. This technology (called Secure Socket Layer) is used to improve the security of data transmission over the Internet, encrypting and protecting data and sensitive information using the HTTPS protocol. SSL guarantees the holder of personal data that the data will not be intercepted in a fraudulent manner and that all information is treated with maximum security.


If you have any questions about the privacy policy implemented by O BENEFÍCIO or other related matter, please contact us to:


The Benefit exists Lda
For the Protection of Data Protection Officer
Rua da Criatividade, 2510-216 Óbidos, Portugal.
Last updated: May 24, 2018

* Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95 / 46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ L 119, 4.5.2016).